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Hi Everybody

Finally settling into some kind routine and feeling less stressed about it all and found some peace from clock time schedule to check in here on my blog and bring you all up to date on my Hoxsey/Tijuana Mexico experience June 7th-11th 2017. Please accept my apologies for being redundant but due to all sorts of data, new phone, paypal and banking issues, I was unable to make any posts, add pics or receive donations whilst on the 4 day journey and no time since but that should be rectified now.

It already seams like a lifetime ago but in actual fact It's just over a week and only started to administer the famous Hoxsey Black Tonic since 8 days.

My journey didn't get off to a great start with many hurdles in the days leading up to the 7th of June but after PAWA Airlines kept the check in desk open AND the plane ON THE GROUND for me(not to forget Jackie driving like a bat outa hell to get me home and back for my visa hahaha)... , things started looking up and up and up up up and away I went at 7.55 A.M(only 25 mins late)on the first of 3 flights taking me to my destination....THE HOXSEY BIO-MEDICAL CLINIC in Tijuana Mexico.

Now I first heard about this amazing place during the first airing of Ty Bollinger's The Truth About Cancer docuseries shortly after my first op back in Jan 2015...little did I know back then that 2 and a half years later(whilst all my blood work had been clear) I would be one of the many cancer warriors looking for a less cruel way to aid in the battle with this beast.

My driver picked me up from Hotel Lucerna lobby at 8.20 Thursday morning prompt and off we went on the 15 min trek to the clinic. I was a little nervous but more excited and overwhelmed that I had actually pulled it off!! There was this grin on my face from the moment I reached my hotel room, I could not control it hahaha.

And then here I was... on top of the world in Tijuana. The views from up there were just sooo amazing. Check the pics to follow.

The staff greeted me like an old friend and when I walked into the 'waiting room' I guess u could call it, the fireplace was alive with flame and there were many folks in various stages of health but that room felt warm and inviting and I knew I would be connecting with real life survivors.

'We were strangers but we were not. We had a common goal, an open mind and a fighting spirit with "no loom of doom and gloom" whatsoever. As the day progressed at Hoxsey Bio-medical the healing vibe was evident as personal stories were told amongst us and a strong bond began to be forged. The doctors, nurses and all medical administrators were kind and professional'. Quote from a fellow visitor which just totally sums up my feelings exactly.. Really not the same feeling I get when I go to the Louis Flemming haha.

I am so glad that I can stay in touch with my Hoxsey buds on Facebook, e-mail and Whatsap as we follow each others progress and offer each other support.

The feelings of hope and and health were taking a grip.. no poison warning signs to be seen on this cancer ward.

So then I was cleared to eat so I hoofed it across to the Hoxsey Cafe for an organic veg omellette, carrot, and celery juice and a cuppa green tea.. divine...and my turn to meet with my Doctor.

Dr Garcia....more a mother kinda feel is what I got. However, professional and to the point. Oh my goodness can't stop eating my delish cacao/avo/ban(Terri' garden) moose.. time to take the tonic, THC, ointment and hit the sac...Goodnight John Boy...y'all come back in the morn now y'hear.

So Dr Garcia, Mexican and female. Did the required tests and checks, lots of questions and 1 hour later off I go to wait my prescription.. She explained to me that since my cancer was HER 2 Positive I should be taking natural hormone blockers otherwise those crazy hormones will just continue to throw out cancer cells so I would need to order DIM PRO, Vit D3, Ester C, and Calcium. My treatments included Laetrile(B17) Enzymes and of course the Hoxsey super tonic together with the Hoxsey ointment.

Cosy on the hearth of the fire we start to swap tips and talk about protocols tried and tested and more bonding before it's time to meet the nutritionist Monika and together we went through the Hoxsey diet, do's and don'ts, how to use and store the tonic, recipes and ideas.. This took quite some time with lots of questions being's a peak at the diet

So back to the cosy room we all trotted feeling wayyy more relaxed than ANY of us had felt for weeks. WE DID IT..WE had made it to the BIOmedical Clinic in Tijuana and the view from up there was magnificent... ....and now we could go home and get to work on our mega lifestyle changes, bombarding the body with so much fresh, organic fruit and veg, nut's and seeds, wild foods, protein powders, gold paste, THC, Frankinsence, Myrrh,vitamins, minerals, roots and nutrients that the compromised immune system gets strong enough to go take care of those nasty lil cells and kicks them right into touch!

After swapping e-mails with a few new friends it was time to collect my meds, pay the bill and hop in my taxi back to the hotel. By this time I realized I had not even had a photo taken at the Biomedical it had gone so fast the time there but by this now I was so tired and hungry that I had my hotel driver wait while I grabbed some soups from the cafe and said my farewells .

So there it was with tears of relief and hope rollin down my face that the gates opened and off we drove down the huge boulevard back to Lucerna.

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