My Story continued..........
To get you all up to speed the last 3 years have been a terrible struggle where my health as been concerned. It started out with 3 Herniated discs in the upper spine which had me house bound for close on 6 months and in some horrific pain..with diet changes and exercise those discs regenerated and after walking on eggshells for a few months longer all came well.
Then in November of 2014 I found the first lump in my breast.
2 weeks later I was stuck down with chickungunya, an evil virus passed by mosquitoes that attacks ALL the joints in the body; this can last from 2 weeks up to 2 years. Mine lasted 9 months.
And so it was with this crippling joint pain that I underwent all the protocols for breast cancer that modern medicine offers; mamagram, ultra sound, MRI, biopsy. When the results finally came I was devastated to hear those words "I'm sorry yes it is cancer". What a blow! I saw my life pass before my eyes and felt it was the end of the world. Until you actually hear those words spoken about yourself, you can never understand the thoughts and feelings that go through one´s mind.
Of course my doctors told me, "we need to operate immediately and I will need chemo and/or radiation therapy". It all happened so fast and before I knew it I was in hospital removing the lump and taking lymph nodes!
2 weeks later the results showed I had Early stage Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, however my surgeon had failed to find any lymph nodes in the biopsy so they wanted me to go straight back under the knife to take more.
Now I had already decided that chemo and Radiation were to be an absolute no-no for me, so after doing some research and watching this series which, if you didn't already, you should check out...
I decided I would go with the THC oil and a huge diet change.
Over the course of the next 2 years any and all tests showed that all was good until Dec 2016 when I found the next lump under my arm.
Major blow. So again an ultra sound, then a needle biopsy followed by a next MRI, back under the knife more general anesthetic and a next lumpectomy.
It has taken until now to reach a prognosis due to protocol and it's not great!
After all my research there is NO WAY I will let my team of doctors push me towards taking chemo/radiation or their alternative hormone therapy, all of which have devastating side affects. I choose to go the natural way.
Now due to my research I have discovered there are a host of natural cures all of which Big Pharma have tried their hardest to cull and some of them have been curing cancer since the 1930's.
Thanks to Ty Bollinger and The Truth about Cancer I have decided on The Bio Medical clinic in Mexico.
These guys have been curing people of cancer since the 30's with an 80% success rate, their prices are not crazy and compared with chemo it's peanuts.
Of course my medical insurance like most does not cover alternative therapies but is quite happy to pay out hundreds of thousands to cover chemo/radiation/hormone therapies.
So here I am asking your help.
Many of you have asked if there's anything YOU can do to help. Well apart from all the love, hugs, calls, messages, healing vibes and prayers I need to reach a goal of $26,000 over the next year. So friends, family and human angels if you really want to help me kick cancer´s ass I ask that you please donate.
Even the smallest amount will be appreciated and if you're not in the position to do so your prayers and healing light is enough.
I will have to go to Tijuana, Mexico very soon for my first consultation, then 3 months later I will return. Then again 6 months after that and then 1 year later followed by hopefully the final check up 2 years later. Each trip with airfares, taxis, accommodation, clinic fees and supplements have been estimated to come to $5,200. So I need to raise over the course of the next 9 months this amount times 5, hence the $26,000 target.
I am blessed to have a great friend who 3 weeks ago gifted me some cash to buy a camper van as it's my intention to relocate to Spain and I guess that gift came just at the right time. However, it will now go towards the first of a possible 5 trips to Mexico and the van, together with my relocation, will have to wait.
Thank you.